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Generally it's about consecutive claims happened in those 72 hours from the same risk (ex: hurricane) and treated as one single claim with only one deductible retention. Therefore I don't see it as a limitation.

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Q: Is 72 hours clause a limitation in insurance policy?
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That depends on the employer and the employer's insurance policy.

Is 72-hour clause in engineering insurance policy advantage or disadvantage?

The 72-hour clause in an engineering insurance policy can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. On one hand, it allows the insured to make a claim within 72 hours of discovering any loss or damage, ensuring prompt coverage for immediate concerns. On the other hand, it imposes a strict time limit, which may be challenging for the insured to meet in situations with complex or latent damages that take longer to identify. Ultimately, the suitability of the 72-hour clause will depend on the specific circumstances and needs of the insured party.

When does an auto insurance policy take effect if you get into an auto accident at 2am and start an insurance policy at 8am?

The policy was only incepted at 8am so it will only cover you from 8am onwards, you would have been classed as an uninsured driver at 2am! INsurance companies wont pay out on claims which happen hours before you start a policy with them!!

Why is it legal for an auto insurance company to keep your money if you requested a cancellation within 24 hours of the request for the policy?

They can retain policy fees, these fees usually cover the monies they had to pay for staffing at the time your application was generated. In order to cancel your policy seems simple to you, but it is an procedure to the insurance carrier.

What service does Auto Insurance Savings provide?

Auto Insurance Savings provides sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They work one on one with Geico so if you have any questions you may call Geico and have your policy reviewed. Auto Insurance Savings also provides policy service and claims service.

Which lasted two hours is what type of clause?


Which type of policies that the insurance company will have to make payment?

Insurance policies may be categorized into 2 sectors:- Life Insurance and General Insurance. In life insurance, claims arise during maturity and death, when the Insurance Cos are to make payment. In General insurance falls medical insurance, fire & burglary, Professional indemnity,car insurance, Householders policy,shop keepers policy and so on. In medical insurance, when a person is hospitalized for treatment of illness/disease and stay for minimum 24 hours, either he can avail cash less system or claim under reimbursement. In the rest policies, when a fire or burglary occurs or so on, the claim has to be established with proper documentation supported by surveyor's report for consideration of the claim by Insurance Company, where they are policy bound to make payment.

What types of commercial automobile insurance do you offerw?

Commercial auto insurance cover damages, or situations as a type of blanket insurance, covering employees who use company vehicles to perform their duties. Much like other types of insurance, there is a monthly, or annual rate that must be paid to maintain the policy. You can choose a policy to cover everyone in your employ at all times, or specifically business hours, or specifically those certified to drive company vehicles.

What do you mean by 72-hour clause in engineering insurance policy?

any loss of or damage to the property described in the schedule arising during any one period of 72 consecutive hours, caused by flood, storm, tempest, water damage, subsidence, collapse or earthquake shall be deemed as a single event and, therefore, to constitute one occurrence with regard to the sum insured and deductible(s)

Does a 72 hour cancellation clause mean actual 72 hours or 72 business hours?

It means 72 hours not business hours ;)

What is the duration of The Santa Clause?

The duration of The Year Without a Santa Claus is 2880.0 seconds.

What are the fees to cancel an auto insurance policy within 24 hours of signing in the state of California?

Some companies will charge you a 10% fee for early cancellation, I would check with them for clarification.