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Right afterwards but be careful.

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Q: How soon can you fly after a hernia operation?
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Is it normal to have swelling around the waist after hernia operation?

It is normal to have swelling soon after a hernia operation or any other surgery. It's also normal to experience pain and bruising after surgery.

After a hernia operation can i have kids?

Yes, having a hernia operation should not affect your ability to have children. However, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns regarding fertility or future family planning.

How do you know when a hernia needs surgery?

You know by visiting a doctor. He will tell you if your hernia requires operation.

Can you fly on a plane with an hernia?


How soon can I fly after my hernia operation?

Now a days hernia surgeries are out patient procedures. Your should be able to drive as soon as the anesthesia and other pain killers wear off. You should be driven home after the procedure and can start driving the next day.

Can i play cricket after hernia operation?

yes, its possible after recovery from hernia in 6 weeks. No problem, go for it.

Is a hernia operation really necessary?

It depends on the severity of the hernia and the symptoms it causes. In some cases, a hernia may not require immediate surgery if it is small and not causing any discomfort. However, surgery is often recommended to prevent complications such as strangulation, which can be life-threatening. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action.

If a person has a bullet inside his abdominal area and would like it removed after his surgery heals but needs an hernia operation could he still have it removed after the operation?

If a person has a bullet inside his abdominal area and wants it removed after his hernia operation, it is up to the doctor to decide if it can be safely removed after the operation.

What is mesh hernioplasty?

a surgical operation used to manage inguinal hernia

I had a hernia operation before puberty will this impact your sperm count or effect me and my girlfriend having a child?

Sorry about the hernia, but it should not effect those.

Are there more complications from using mesh to repair an inguinal hernia than the open method?

No you must use the mesh if you are undergoing a hernia operation, otherwise there is alw3ays a chance of it coming again, and you will have to undergo another operation.

How soon can I exercise afer umbilical hernia repair?

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