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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of philadelphia cover lap ban surgery?

What Blue Cross Blue Shield coves depends on the policy one has. Policies differ and some will not cover procedures like lap band surgery.

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia cover going to weight doctors?

No Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia does not cover going to weight loss doctors. It may however cover weight loss surgery.

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois cover knee replacement surgery?

AnswerOf course.

Does blue cross blue shield federal cover plastic surgery?

Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal does not cover the cost of plastic surgery. Any plastic surgery that is done to solely improve the physical appearance of a person is not covered. if the surgery is due to an accident or the result of a body part becoming altered from a disease or surgery than it will be covered.

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover braces?

No braces are considered a cosmetic surgery and they are not covered by bcbs

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois cover lap band surgery?

They do cover this surgery but after meeting many requirments such as medically supervised diets and some other things

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover Lasik Eye Surgery?

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield does cover lasik eye surgery. It depends on what insurance you have & how much you're covered. Some plans pay 5%, some pay 20%, some pay most.

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