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Q: Clothing allowance life insurance and dislocation alllowance are all forms of?
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Clothing allowance life insurance and dislocation allowance are forms of?

Military Compensation

Does the President get a clothing allowance?

They get a clothing allowance...of how much, I'm not sure. I know Sarah Palin had an allowance of $150,000 for the campaign-just to give you an idea. Sarah Palin did not get a clothing allowance. She received private money from the RNC (Republican National Committee) which is a PRIVATE fund, not a government fund.

Does the first lady get a clothing allowance?


Does Michelle Obama get a clothing allowance?

i heard she does and the amount is astronomical!

Does the president of the US and the first lady receive a clothing allowance?


What do the slaves receive each year as their clothing allowance?

Slaves usually receive a minimal clothing allowance each year, which may consist of basic garments such as shirts, pants, and shoes. The allowance is often insufficient for meeting their clothing needs, forcing many slaves to rely on donations or make do with limited attire.

What are the components of family budget?

grocery, utility, water bill electricity bill food clothing shelter education transportation allowance gas saving but other have credit card insurance and others

Is the clothing allowance for the first lady from taxpayer?

No. The first lady does not get any clothing allowance from the taxpayers. There is a trust fund donated by a private estate that provide money for the first lady's expenses. (see the related link)

Is the amount on the military payscale a monthly or- bi-monthly amount?

It is a monthly amount, but it doesn't include your housing allowance which is listed in a separate table. If you are enlisted, you will also get a clothing allowance.

What is the arrangement of fullness?

fullness is creating allowance in clothing construction

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For me, this was a clothing allowance from the USAF

What is a sentence with allowance in it?

Using his allowence, Jeff bought new trousers, formal pants from a clothing store.