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Most life policies issued in the US contain a 2 year contestability period. Should death occur within that time frame, the insurance co. has the right to investigate the death and may refuse to pay if they discover [that] the insured person commited fraud at the time of contract. If an insured 's health diminishes after a life policy has been issued, and no sign of the new health problem was evident at the time of contract, then the insurance co. cannot cancel the contract, except for non payment of policy premiums as they come due. By the way, if a policy lapses at any time due to non payment of the premium, if reinstated, the 2 year contestability period starts all over again.

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Q: Can existing insurance policies be cancelled at any time if an insurer learns of new health problems?
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Protect Your Little Loved One with Pet Insurance?

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Do I need insurance for my construction job?

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