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Q: Can an insurance company deny your medical bills because they believe it is fraud?
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Related questions

Is there a company called Travel Medical Insurance?

Yes, there is a company named Travel Medical Insurance . Their website is

Can a passenger in my vehicle come after my insurance company after an accident that was not my fault and the car that hit us had insurance?

If you have medical, yes because your medical under your car insurance covers your passengers, regardless of fault.

Is health insurance and medical insurance the same definition?

Medical insurance will only pay you for hospitalization, predetermined ailments, and accidents. Health insurance covers hospitalization as well as ambulance charges. Add-on coverage includes critical illness, accidental disability, and so on. Medical insurance has no coverage flexibility; health insurance consumers can reduce the length of their policy.

Do Texas legislators get medical insurance?

I believe they do

Will my heath insurance pay my medical bills if i was legally drunk when i had my car accident?

Over and above medical coverage on your auto insurance. There is no way you can get out of telling your auto insurance company about the accident, because the health insurance company will tell them about it first. This also depends on whether or not your State allows health insurance to cover such accidents.

Will your medical insurance cover you in an auto accident?

Yes it should, but the auto insurance company may have to pay the medical insurance after the claim is paid.

What played a major role in increased cost of healthcare?

Insurance company's overcharging. drug company's overcharging insurance company's overcharging.. the medical profession overcharging, insurance company's overcharging.

Does travel insurance for people over 70 include medical expenses?

I'm pretty sure this depends on who is the insurance company, but most travel insurance policies will cover emergency medical expenses. For every day medical expenses, you will have to talk to your every day insurance company.

What are the benefits of a medical savings account?

The benefit of having a medical savings account is that the premium is usually less than that of traditional health insurance. This is because the insurance company doesn't have to pay for routine health care.

What are health insurance rates right now?

Health insurance quotes vary from person to person, company to company. Each insurance company will take into account any pre-existing medical conditions as well as any unforeseen medical conditions based on your family's past medical history.

Can a medical insurance company drop you because of one non payment?

It would depend on the insurance company. Most insurance companies will reinstate your coverage once you are caught up on your premium payments. You would then just have a lapse in coverage for the month you missed.

How can a company get worldwide medical insurance for all employees?

A company can get worldwide medical insurance for its employees with Allianz Worldwide Care. With this insurance company, a business can get custom-made plans and a wide range of options for it. One can also get a quote quite easily from the website.