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If you all receive the same health benefits, then no, however if you are in a different group of workers with separate terms of pay and benefits, then yes.

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Q: Can an employer reimburse the expense of one employees medical coverage when carried by the spouse and not offer that same option for other employees?
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Errors and Omissions Professional Liability Coverage carried by the designer/engineer should provide the coverage for which you are looking. Underwriting professional.

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That depends on what you mean by "on" the spouse's health insurance plan. Most employer-sponsored plans, subject to Federal and/or state law, do not permit a spouse to be carried after divorce as part of the employee's family coverage. However, under Federal and most state laws, a former spouse ineligible for coverage on any other employer-sponsored plan is entitled to continuation coverage for a period of 36 months after divorce, similar to the coverage a terminated employee is entitled to have for 18 months, provided the former spouse pays the premiums -- including the employer's "share" or subsidy of an employee's premium. Bottom line: You can continue to be covered by a spouse's plan -- but as a separate participant with an additional, and usually very big, premium. This answer does not constitute legal advice. To obtain legal advice, consult with an attorney. This is especially important in divorce and family law matters, in which outcomes are often peculiar to the particular facts and circumstances of the case. Neal J. Meiselman, Meiselman & Helfant, LLC, 29 Wood Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20850,, 301-279-8840

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Not unless you carried collision coverage

Non owner teen car insurance is it legal?

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It really depends on the type of insurance the owner carried on the vehicle. If Liability only was carried then No, there are no benefits. If Full coverage was carried then there usually is a death benefit that can be paid to assist in funeral expenses.

How do you find out if a previous owner was paying for flood insurance on property?

You could Ask Them, But bear in mind that any coverage carried by the previous owner would only have been for the protection of the then named insured. No coverage or rights are inherited by the new owner from the old owners insurance.

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minor employees need supervision because they need to know how the business is operated and all the task that has to be carried out in the business. when they become professionals or reach a higher stage in their workforce they will no longer need supervision! thanxx by alonda

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