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You can get dental hygienist training online at:

No, you must get certified and trained at a real college or institution.

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12y ago

You can get a dental hygientest training from an online site. There are several out there including

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Related questions

How entertained is dental hygienist training?

Dental hygienist training is not supposed to be entertaining or fun, rather it is supposed to be an academic training regiment to become a dental assistant.

Is dental hygienist training offered online?

The programs for Dental Hygienist involve lots and lots of hands on training. This cannot really be accomplished with online study because so much of the course is directly hands on with patients. There are several online dental hygenist programs available. Many of these programs are directed through a local college or University.

Are dental hygienist courses available online?

Like almost all other fields, dental hygienist courses are available online. However, it might be a good idea to take courses in person to learn the hands-on training necessary for the career.

Where can I find dental training to become a hygienist in Boston, Mass?

you can visit to find dental training in Boston, Mass. To find information about training to become a dental hygienist in Boston, Mass, go to

Are there any online schools for Dental Hygienist Training?

Yes there are. One example is Penn Foster Career School online. The website is

Where can I find a school that offers dental hygienist training in florida?

It is really easy to get a great deal of information on schools in your area by checking them out online. If you just do a search on dental hygienist schools in FL, you should find a lot of schools.

Where can I get an online dental hygienist degree?

There are many online institutions that offer online dental hygienist degrees. One of them are which you can also apply for online.

In Canada can I get dental and hygienist training?

Yes. There are many schools to choose from in different areas of Canada. Here is a link to a directory of Canada Dental Hygienist training programs

What is the best school for dental hygienist training in the US?

There are several online dental hygenist programs available. Many of these programs are directed through a local college or University.

Would it be better to start training as a dental hygienist or try to become a dentist?

There is a definite advantage to dental hygienist training. This will allow you to experience first hand, what the world of dentistry is like. The cost of training for a dental hygienist is much lower, and the amount of time invested is much less, than dentistry. Once you have this experience, then your decision will be much more clear.

Are dental hygienist classes available online?

Dental hygienist program is offered entirely online and includes such courses as dental hygiene practice, strategies for instruction and advanced clinical concepts. Check out you local online courses to see for more information.

Can I take an online dental hygienist course?

Yes, you can take online courses to become a dental hygienist. There are many universities that offer classes in this area and you are sure to find one or more that will fit your needs and budget.