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To end the suffering and to prevent future suffering caused by landmines. The Convention bans the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines. In addition, states that accede to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (its short formal name) accept that they will destroy both stockpiled and emplaced anti-personnel mines and assist the victims of mines.

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Q: Why was the mine ban treaty formed?
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Who was the main mover in da mine ban treaty in 1997?

The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), a coalition of several renowned NGOs, was the prime mover in the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997

What organization is trying to ban landmines'?

The organization is called the ICBL. In addition, there is also an international diplomatic treaty that bans landmines: the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, known informally as the Mine Ban Treaty or the Ottawa Convention.

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