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he was more or less considered both,

Educated in the classics

Spoke several languages fluently, including Latin.

Studied philosphy and religion.

Had heated debates with learned thinkers of the age.

Wrote poetry and prose.

Talented musician and composed music, masses that

got lost, and ballads that are still around.

Kept company with other talented musicians.

Ordered drums from Vienna that could be played on

horseback and introduced that into England.

He was also an athlete.

And he was skilled in the art of war.

He brought about the reformation or I suppose

the 'modernization' of the Church and

It was during Henry's reign, and no doubt due to his

influence, that England became the centre of

Renaissance culture

Quite the man of the time :)

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14y ago

Because he was a good king

He was literary, musical, athletic, and scholarly.

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