Ask the queen??...
she will smell it and say its her turn first and start crying
Bees cannot smell human fear. Their sense of smell is primarily used to locate flowers for nectar and pollen, to communicate with other bees through pheromones, and to identify their hive and queen.
Eat your grains children! Theyll make you smell fart forever and monkey deus
It was substandard product. Initially it was ok milk then they started degrading it and at the end it was milk with consistent UN pleasant smell in it.
to smell to smell to smell to smell
She's the Queen . She can sleep in it if she likes. Tiaras are generally worn for social events at her home, as opposed to wearing the Royal Crown for more official functions.
smell smell smell
you can smell taco's and burrito's
cats can smell a barbecue and it can smell smoke
to smell = "amuyan"
Why do my gardenias have NO smell