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Because to keep peace with the Natives

By: S Khan

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10y ago

The Proclamation of 1763 forbade settlers from settling past todayâ??s Eastern Continental Divide and St. Laurence Divide from Georgia up to Canada after the end of the Seven Yearsâ?? War. The British wanted to stabilize relations with Native Americans in the frontier with the proclamation.

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15y ago

As a result of the deficiencies of the English army, England passed the Proclametion of 1763. The Proclamation forbade the colonies to allow any settlers to move west of an imaginary line drawn along the crest of the Alleghenies. Settlers and fur traders alike were not allowednto pass into the hunting grounds of the Indians. This proclamation was not meant to be permanent, merely a way to appease the discontent of the Indians andreduce the costs associated with the ongoing battles. The British thought this proclamation would be a way of halting the Indian uprising in the Ohio valley.

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10y ago

The intended purpose was to reduce, or eliminate, the threat of Indian warfare. If this could be achieved Britain would not have to keep a large military force in the colonies to fight Indian wars. Keeping a large military force in the colonies was troublesome and very expensive, and Britain did not have a very large army, and didn't want to pay for even what they did have. Anotehr unstated, perhaps almost unconscious reason for the Proclamation was to keep the British settlements confined to the eastern seaboard of North America, where British authority could make itself felt, rather than allowing colonists to escape inland and get far enough away from Royal officials, who were situated near the coast, that the effect of Royal authority would not be felt.

Of course, the main result of the Proclamation was that poor people born in the colonies, or new arrivals, did not have access to the vast, empty lands west of the Proclamation Line. This meant that the only land available was any they could manage to buy east of the Proclamation Line, often from the families of the first settlers who had been able to gain title to massive tracts of land.

Basically, the rich stayed rich and kept their monopoly on political power in the colonies, and the poor could not afford to buy land, when empty land was just sitting there, unoccupied, just over the hill. The colonies were agricultural, and 19 people out of 20 were farmers, so without one's own land, the poor were doomed to eke out an existence as "hired hands" on the farms of those whose families had gotten to the colonies first.

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10y ago

The Proclamation (forbidding the European settlers to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains) was passed a) to properly settle and organize the lands that they then had instead of being diverted by still further expansion and b) to regulate trade, land purchase and settlement in order to avoid conflict with the native Americans.

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15y ago

to prevent unlawful non region insights!!!!!!! 6th grade history

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Q: Why did the British Parliament pass the Proclamationof 1763?
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