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British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.

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Q: Why did british parliament meet with protests from the colonists in the years right after the French and Indian War?
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Why did British parliament meet with protests from colonists in the years right after the french and Indian war?

British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.

Why did the British parliament meet with protests from the colonist in the years right after the french and Indian war?

British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.

What were the loyalist taxing the patriots?

The loyalists were'nt taxing the colonists. The British Parliament did. Parliament did this because they needed money to pay for the French and Indian War and to punish the colonists for acts of protests

What was the rusult of the French and Indian War?

British parliament thought the colonists should pay the cost of the war that is why the British parliament thought this war that the french would win in the war.

Why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after 1763?

The taxes were to help pay for the French and Indian war. They reasoned that they were protecting the colonists and the colonists were English subjects so they should help pay for the war.

Who asked the colonists to help pay the costs of the french and Indian war but they refused?

British Parliament

Why did the british parliament need colonists to pay new taxes?

To pay for all the damage from the French and Indian war.

Why did the parliament want to tax the colonists?

Because the British were broke after many wars, and to raise money, they taxed the colonists.

Why did the British Prime Minister asked Parliament to tax the colonists?

To pay off the dept from the French and Indian War.

Why did British believe it was necessary to raise taxes on the American colonists?

The British raised taxes in the American colonies to pay for the fighting of the French and Indian war. They also expected colonists to pay for their own defense from the continued threat of Indians. Colonists were outraged by the taxes, and some began to organize protests

In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act which?

A. Required colonists to boycott British goods.B. Said the Parliament had total authority over the colonies.C. Required colonists to house and feed British troops in exchange for stamps.D. Required the colonists to buy stamps to put on legal documents.

Why did the British believe it was necessary to raise taxes on the Americans?

The British raised taxes in the American colonies to pay for the fighting of the French and Indian war. They also expected colonists to pay for their own defense from the continued threat of Indians. Colonists were outraged by the taxes, and some began to organize protests