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Children had a picture of Queen Victoria in their classroom so that they could pay their respects and do her proud.

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Q: Why did Victorian children have a picture of Queen Victoria in their classroom?
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The picture is called The Rescue and was completed in 1855.

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The Victorian era 1837 to 1901

What is the value of an 1864 Victoria dei gratia?

All British coins have that motto, and all denominations from the Victorian era have Queen Victoria's picture on them, so that's not enough information to go on. Please post a new question with the coin's denomination and an idea of how worn it is. The denomination will be something like farthing, penny, shilling, or half-crown.

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You are out of luck. Victoria did not become Queen until 1837.

What has the author John W Stewig written?

John W. Stewig has written: 'Looking at picture books' -- subject(s): Authorship, Illustration of books, Children's stories, English, Picture books for children, History and criticism 'Using literature in the elementary classroom' -- subject(s): Study and teaching (Elementary), Literature, Literaturunterricht, Grundschule

What does Victoria Justice sister look like?

There is a picture of Victoria with her sister on Victoria's twitter. They are hugging a Christmas tree in the photo. Her sister is also on Victoria's keek.

Where can you see a picture of Queen Victoria?

Google Images

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The possessive plural is children's picture or, if more than one picture, then children's pictures.

What has the author Marjorie Cohee Manifold written?

Marjorie Cohee Manifold has written: 'Picture books as a social studies resource in the elementary school classroom' -- subject(s): Educational aspects, Educational aspects of Picture books for children, Picture books for children, Social sciences, Study and teaching (Elementary), Visual literacy 'Art education in the social studies' -- subject(s): Study and teaching, Art, Social sciences

Does Victoria Justices have a picture of her mom?

yes on goggle images