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Because the US was worried about intervention in Africa after the events of the Battle of Mogadishu. They didn't want to intervene in Rwanda because they believed the country offered nothing to the international community.

Bosnia, however, is in Europe and the US is very interested in expanding their influence into Europe.

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Q: Why did US help the Bosnia genocide but not Rwanda?
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How Many US soldiers died in Rwanda?

None during the genocide of 1994

Should the US gotten involved int the genocide in Rwanda?

The US should have definitely got involved in the genocide because there were mass murders and they could have done something.

How did the United Nations help Rwanda?

Yes, the U.S. should try to help the victims of genocide. There is no easy solution though, it is a difficult question. You want to help everyone you can, but where do you look first? To your own citizens, to Africans, to the Mexicans caught in drug warfare? It seems like an uphill battle, but people should do everything they can, and America should help Africa get rid of genocide (Rwanda, Darfur...)

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Who was involved in genocide Rwanda?

Belgium colonists in 1916 identified Tutsis the minority of the region, them being richer in general, having cattle, thus being superior, and had it better under Belgium rule, Hutus resented this. France supported the Hutus during the genocide and when things got bad they evacuated only the white people. China provided the Hutus with machetes. The US really was apathetic. The UN backed out, they wanted to evacuate all the peacekeepers and evacuated many, they promised to send in troops but that didn't happen until after the genocide.

Who help the Rwanda people?

the US , some parts of Africa, UK and Asia

What photographer's photographs gave the world the true horrors of Rwanda in 1994?

Many journalists and photographers give great credit to Sebastiao Salgado for opening the eyes of the world to the genocide in Rwanda. His photographs were extensively displayed in many US national newspapers and magazines.

Who is the Ambassador to the US for Rwanda?

Mathilde Mukantabana is the Ambassador to the US for Rwanda.

Where does genocide happen in the world today?

Examples of genocide include: Armenia in WW1 by th Turks; The dispossession of the American Indian by the US in the north & Spain in central & south america; The concentration camps in WW2; The treatment of their neighbours in recent years by Serbia; Rwanda;

Why did the US get involved with the darfur genocide?

Ever since they labeled it as a genocide they have been saying they are going to help yet so far verry little has been done to help the citizens in darfur

Did the US have any involvement in the genocide?

which genocide?

What role did the US play in the genocides that took place in Germany Cambodia Rwanda?

Generally speaking, the US ignored those genocides. However, since the US was already fighting Nazi Germany, it ended up stopping the Holocaust. However, the US did nothing in regards to the Cambodian genocide (which was stopped by the recent US enemy: Vietnam) and nearly nothing with regards to the Rwandan genocide, which was stopped by Rwandans opposed to the government and French-led UN forces.