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because he was evil and horrid.

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Q: Why did Henry VIII chop people?
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What jokes are there about Henry the 8th?

I only know oneWhy did Henry VIII have so many wives?He liked to CHOP and changehar har har

Did Henry VIII chop of the popes head and was it clement VII?

No, the Pope resided in Rome and contact between the two was especially limited after Henry VIII was excommunicated in 1538. Henry VIII didn't have the power over the Pope to order his execution in any case - this lay with Charles V.

Why was Henry VIII angry with the people?

Henry VIII was angry with the people because Henry thinks that the people living here was unnecessary, so he just killed them.

How did catherine howard marriage ended with Henry VIII?

VERY sad. A Dumb wife. Before reading get tissue ( exaggeration ) His relationship ended because his Axeman was commanded by Henry VIII to chop her head off for sleeping with other men as well as Henry

Why did Catherine of Aragon didn't what to divorce Henry VIII?

because he would chop her head of because she knew he was hiding inn the closet.

What did Henry VIII do in the military?

he killed people

Why did Henry VIII chop peoples heads off?

Henry VIII did not, personally, chop anyone's head off. Two of his six wives were tried, convicted and executed for treason and other crimes. See the related question link below. Many other people were also executed in Henry's time - it was quite a normal way of getting rid of people whose faces did not fit. One estimate has it that as many as 70,000 people were executed during his reign, mostly by hanging. The more "civilised" beheading was reserved for the aristocracy.

How many people did Henry VIII kill compered to Mary?

Henry VIII killed 70,000 to 72,000 people, and Mary burned 284 people for being Protestants.

Did anne Boleyn like being married to Henry VIII?

not when he chopped her head off.

What punishments did Henry VIII gave?

henry the 8th beheaded people as a punshiment.

How many people did Henry VIII burn at the stake?

Henry VIII burned 81 people during his reign

What King Henry VIII hated?

For killing people.