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Many Greek historians, like Heroditus, felt that it was more important to understand geography and then look at the history of a place. He was one of the first historians to realize that the Greeks must have come from an earlier people, based on the stories that were told by the different ethnic groups he came across during his travels.

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because history needs a setting to take place

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Q: Why all history must be treated geographically and all geograpyhy treated historically?
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Why should all histories be treated geographically and all geography treated historically?

Many Greek historians, like Heroditus, felt that it was more important to understand geography and then look at the history of a place. He was one of the first historians to realize that the Greeks must have come from an earlier people, based on the stories that were told by the different ethnic groups he came across during his travels.

Why all history must be treated geographically and all geography?

History must be treated geographically because understanding the physical environment in which events occur provides context for why things happen where and when they do. Similarly, geography must be understood historically to see how the physical landscape has influenced human activities and how it has changed over time. Integrating geography and history helps provide a richer, more comprehensive understanding of past events.

What is herodotus contribution to geography?

Herodotus, known as the "Father of History," made significant contributions to geography by documenting the various lands, peoples, and cultures he encountered in his writings. His work involved describing the traditions, customs, and landscapes of different regions, helping to shape early geographical knowledge and understanding of the world. Herodotus's writings laid the foundation for geographic exploration and the study of world cultures.

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