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President of India

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To the Governor of the state.

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Q: Whom the Chief Justice of Supreme Court sends his resignation in India?
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Who was chief justice of the supreme court in 1800s?

Third Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth presided over the US Supreme Court from March 1796 until his resignation in September 1800. The seat remained vacant until Ellsworth was succeeded by Chief Justice John Marshall in February 1801.

Does the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court lead the Court?

Yes. The Chief Justice leads or "presides over" the Supreme Court.

Who is the president chief justice of supreme court?

The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is John G. Roberts.

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The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.

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The head of a state supreme court is called Chief Justice, just like the head of the US Supreme Court.

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Associate Justice is the formal title for any US Supreme Court justice who is not the Chief Justice. There are eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice on the Supreme Court.

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Hon'ble Mr. Justice P. Sathasivam is the India's supreme court Chief Justice. He is from Tamilnadu.

What is the leader of the supreme court called?

Chief Justice John Roberts.

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Maria Lourdes Sereno is the 24th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court og the Philippines.

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The presiding Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court as of 2012 is John G. Roberts, Jr.

Who was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court in 1803?

President John Adams appointed John Marshall, his Secretary of State, to the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1801. Marshall succeeded the third Chief Justice, Oliver Ellsworth.