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The official leader of the Soviet Union was Vladimir Lenin, and after a long battle with Leon Trotsky, both politically and literally, Stalin eventually gained control of the Soviet Union.

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Vladmir Lenin...the father of the Soviet Union

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Paul von Hindenburg was Chancellor of Germany, before Adolph Hitler succeeded him.

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Vladimir Lenin

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Q: Who was the leader before Stalin came to power?
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What soviet leader came to power in the 1920s?

Joseph Stalin

What leader came before Joseph Stalin?

Vladimir Ilytch Lenin

After what leader's death did Stalin become dictator?

Stalin came to power in stages after the death of Lenin (1924). By 1928 Stalin was the sole dictator of the USSR.

What is the surname of the Soviet leader who took over from Stalin?

Nikita Khrushchev. There was a battle for succession of power in the Soviet Union (an interregnum) from 1953 (when Stalin died) to 1956 (when Khrushchev came to power).

What party did Joseph Stalin lead?

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Communist Party in Russia from the 1920s when he came to power to 1953, the year of his death. He led Russia through World War II.

Who came after Joseph Stalin?

Georgy Malenko came after Joseph Stalin but was only in power for about a week. The Troika ruled for 6 months after Malenko. Then Nikita Khruschev was in power for 11 years.

A notorious Russian leader of the 60's Nikita?

...Khrushchev. He was not a 'notorious' leader, however. Although as a young revolutionary he had faithfully executed the Russian dictator Josef Stalin's (indeed notorious) orders and policies, he was a moderate leader once he came to power himself.

What Country did Joseph Stalin lead?

Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union. Stalin took over after Lenin died. Stalin was not Lenin's choice as a successor but Stalin schemed and came into power, basically he stole the title. He was in power before and after WW11. He died in 1953. In WW2 he had signed a non-agression pact with Hitler, but ultimately became allied with France, Great Britain, the United States and the other Allied countries.

Who was the Soviet leader who was in control of the nation when World War 2 came to an end in 1945?

Joseph Stalin

Who was Joseph stanling?

Joseph Stalin was a soviet red party leader which came to power and led the soviet union through a series of 15 month plans to make socialism work in what is now Russia

Joseph Stalin was Russia's ruler during ww1?

False. Stalin came to power in 1928. Work War 1 ended in 1918.

What types of leaders came to power in italygermany and the soviet union before world war 2?

fascist leaders- Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. all three had totalitarian views.