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Queen Elizabeth the First did not have any children

Queen Elizabieth the Second. Princess Anne to Captain Mark Philips

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Q: Who was the first of Queen Elizabeth's children to marry?
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When did queen's children marry?

Queen Victoria's children married on the year 10 because she and her children are ancient

What were Queen Elizabeths marragies?

Queen Elizabeth 1 never married. She didn't want to share- or lose- the throne.

Did Queen Elizabeth the first marry?

No, she did not. One of her nicknames was "The Virgin Queen."

What is elizabeths last name that was going to marry john cena?

its cena

What age did Victorian children marry?

Queen Victoria's children married on the year 10 because she and her children are ancient

Why did queen Elizebeth not have a child?

The reason why queen Elizabeth did not have any children. Is because she decided not to marry that is why people called her "Virgin Queen".

Who did Queen Victoria marry and how was she related to him?

Queen Victoria married Prince Albert. They were cousins.

Why did Princess Elizabeth refuse to marry a Catholic man?

There are dozens of different princess Elizabeths. Many did marry Catholic men.

Did queen elizibeth the 1st have children?

yes she had a neice andd she loved her queen elizebeth brought her up.

Why should the queen marry?

Queens, like kings were expected to marry so that they can have children who will become the next king or queen. Queen Elizabeth I never married and never had any children which led to the throne being offered to King James VI of Scotland, when Elizabeth I died, he then became King James I of England.

Did any of Queen Elizabeth II's children die?

Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) did not marry or have any children. She was known as the Virgin Queen. Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926) had four children, all of whom are living (Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward). Diana, Princess of Wales was the daughter in law of Queen Elizabeth II, but was divorced from Prince Charles when she was killed in a car accident in August 1997.

How tall is Marry Queen?

Marry Queen is 173 cm.