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When Mandela was released from prison Oliver Tambo was President of the ANC. Tambo was his Mandela's long time law partner.

-Bill Sparks, Toronto, Canada

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Q: Who was president of the anc when Nelson Mandela was in prison?
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When did nelson manedela get out of prison?

In February 1990, Nelson Mandela was released by President F.W de Klerk. In July 1991, Nelson Mandela became president of the ANC. He continued to negotiate with the government to end apartheid. In 1994, the first all-race elections were held and the ANC was voted into power. So he became president.

Did nelson Mandela try and stop the ANC?

no he carried on with the anc

Why did Mandela become president?

At the end of Apartheid Nelson Mandela was the political leader of the African National Congress (ANC). After he was released from prison and the first democratically free elections were held in South Africa, the ANC become the ruling policical party and Nelson Mandela as its leader was elected as the official state president. He held the office as president of South Africa between 10 May 1994 - 14 June 1999.

Was Nelson Mandela leader of the ANC when he went to jail?

No, he was 72 when he got out of prison.

Who fought against apartheid?

Nelson Mandela

What happened to South Africa in 1994?

It was our first democratic election in South Africa, in which the African National Congress (ANC) won and Nelson Mandela became president.

Why was Nelson Mandela put in jail for so long for speaking out for freedom?

It wasn't speaking out for freedom that put Mandela in prison. It was the association with the violent part of ANC - which did bombings that hurt and killed people - that got him sent to prison.

Who supports the ANC?

One of the people who supported the ANC was Nelson Mandela, (Former president of South Africa) He along with many other black people burned passbooks to show they're hatred to the law. Nelson Mandela's famous picture was of him smiling and burning his passbooks to the camera.

What did Nelson Mandela do to rebel against apartheid?

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela fought injustice by making peacefull protests with the rest of the ANC. Though then Nelson Mandela got arrested with about 150 other ANC leader. After that and the school childrens protest the sout africans decided to sabotage the whites. and that leaded to the release of Nelson Mandela.

What former South Africian president freed activist Nelson Mandela from prision and lifted the ban on the ANC?

FW de Klerk

What did fw de klerk have to do with Nelson Mandela's release from prison?

he lifted the ban of the anc (African national congres) and so Mandela was part of it so that's how he was released ... well that's what i think

What did nelson Mandela's impact have on history?

Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944, and then joined the resistance against the ruling National Party's (NP) apartheid laws after 1948. After the ANC was banned in 1960, Mandela argued for setting up a military wing of the ANC. In 1961, the ANC formed the Umkhonto we Sizwe. Mandela was arrested in 1962. In 1990, F. W. de Klerk officially ended apartheid, and Mandela was released. He became the first black president of South Africa in 1994.