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Q: Who is the latest democratic country?
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Is Czech Republic a democracy?

It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.It is a democratic country.

Is rome a democratic country?

Rome is a city, not a country; it is the capital of Italy which is a democratic country.

Is Nepal a non-democratic country?

Nepal is a democratic country. Officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

Non democratic country?

any 4 non democratic country

Is the USA a democratic country?

The United States of America is a democratic country.

Is America a democratic country?

yes,america is a democratic country.

Is Luxembourg a democratic country?

Yes, Luxembourg is a democratic country.

Is your country the only Democratic Country?

No. There are many democratic countries around the world.

Is Bhutan non-democratic country?

yes bhutan is non- democratic country

What is the latest country in Africa?

Republic of South Sudan is the latest country in Africa.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of a democratic country?

advantages- 1)in a democratic country we can have the right to speak upon ourselves . 2)in a democratic country we can choose our ministers by voting.

Do a colonized country a democratic country?

no a colonized country is nt a democratic country as the citizens of the country do not have basic rights ,they do not get the opportunity to elect their Representatives.