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Q: Who did King Henry send to the pope?
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Why did King Henry fought great pope?

King Henry fought the great pope because the pope would not grant him a divorce.

What favor did the pope grant King Henry?

Which pope and which King Henry? Please be specific.

Who was the pope when King Henry was alive?

Which King Henry? There have been several.

Who was the Pope that King Henry the 1st had conflict with?

Pope Paschall I

Why was King Henry VIII at odds with the pope?

King Henry VIII was at odds with the pope because he wanted to get a divorce. This caused King Henry VIII to form the Church of England. This church was just like the Catholic Church, except the king of England was at its head, not the pope, and King Henry VIII could get divorced. A lot.

What action did Pope Gregory VII take against the king in 1076?

Pope Gregory excommunicated King Henry IV while Henry declared the pope deposed. Most of the people seemed to support the actions of the pope and not those of Henry.

Who was king in 1517?

king henry VIII

What action did Gregory vii take against the king in 1076?

Pope Gregory excommunicated King Henry IV while Henry declared the pope deposed. Most of the people seemed to support the actions of the pope and not those of Henry.

Who separated England from the pope?

King Henry VIII

Who did the pope not give a divorce?

King Henry VIII

What happen between the Pope and Henry VIII when the pope denied him a divorce?

The pope and Henry had a slap fight, then Henry passed the act of supremacy which granted the king power over the pope, allowing him to marry anne Boleyn

Who was the pope when Hennry viii was excomunicated?

Pope Clement VII excommunicated King Henry VIII.