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Anne Boleyn.

But! He had many mistresses. Which I'm sure he led to his bed for other reasons.

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Q: Which wives did Henry VIII think was pretty so married?
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Henry the third of England did not have a wife. Henry the third of France was married to Louise of Lorraine.

Who married Henry?

His wives' names were Sarah Shelton and Dorothea Dandridge.

Who was Henry VIII married to in 1625?

In 1625 Henry VIII, his wives and children were long gone. In 1525 however he was married to Catherine of Aragon.

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Henry the Eighth (I am pretty sure)

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His wives' names were Sarah Shelton and Dorothea Dandridge.

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He was married only once to Lucy Flucker

Which one of Henry VIII's wives was married to him the longest?

i think it was Catherine of Aragon. the last 6 years of their marriage were spent debating over the annulment. the were married for about 24 years that might not be right but I'm pretty sure it is :) lol :)

What do christians think about Henry VIII Wives?

I don't think most Christians think of the wives very often. They probably think that the wives were very shamefully treated by Henry, but that they themselves did little or no wrong. Henry himself - that's a different matter. Most Christians don't have a very high opinion of him and his series of marriages.!

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Henry VIII married eight wives; the number of 'women he had' is innumerable. Edit: The answer above is incorrect. Henry the 8th had six wives.

When were Catherine Howard and King Henry VIII married?

Answer Catherine Howard was the fifth of King Henry VIII's six wives. They married on 28th July 1540.

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King Henry VIII of England famously married six times. None of his wives were called Jade.

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Patrick Henry married his first wife Sara Shelton in 1754.