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The lion represented England and the unicorn represented Scotland.

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Q: Which two countries are represented in The Lion and the Unicorn?
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What does the lion and the unicorn on Britain's coat of arms symbolize?

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Kepler Wessels has to date represented two countries in the Cricket World Cup.

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There is no scientific genus for a purple unicorn since unicorns are mythical creatures and not real animals.

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Two, actually, the lion and the unicorn. For some reason editorial cartoonists prefer to draw lions, so unicorns are rare in symbolism as they are in life.

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Why did the two dragons fight in Merlin and the dragons?

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What are some opinions on Charlie the Unicorn?

Charlie the Unicorn is a unicorn that is constantly irrated by two other unicorns. Charlie the Unicorn is the best unicorn ever!!!

Can you breed a unicorn with a unicorn and still get a unicorn?

Yes but first you need to get two unicorns Unicorns are now and have always been a myth.