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The United States of America has the most laws and the most prisoners in the world.

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Q: Which country has the most laws?
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Laws are different from country to country: it depends where he is from. In most cases, the answer is no.

What European country did most American laws come from?

England of course.

The languages and religions and laws in puerto rico came from what country?

Primary from Spain. But most of the laws are similar to the States.

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How can a Canadian get sentenced to prison in the US?

By breaking US laws. This applies in any country; if you break the laws of that country while in that country you are subject to the laws of that country.

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South Africa was the country closely associated with term pass laws, homelands, and white minority rule.

What is the rule for copyright since 1900?

It varies from country to country. Most European countries' laws at that time would have related to the Berne Convention of 1886.

How are laws passed in Cuba?

Cuba is a communist country, so there is no process to make laws. The head of a communist country makes the laws.

How are the laws of a country based on economics?

Many laws of any country impact that country's economics. Tariff laws on imports and exports affect the price of goods in the country. Laws pertaining to minimum wages affect the living standards of many of its citizens. These laws also impact the cost of goods in a country. Laws that affect the nations national bank or other institutions can play a role of interest rates in that country.

Does Canada have laws?

Yes, every country has laws.

Do you need a license to receive payment for placing employees?

The laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In most places you should have a business license, but you will have to consult the laws in your state or country.