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Lord Liverpool, who was in office from 1812 to '27. During his term he saw the defeat of Napoleon, the victory of US forces in the American War of Independence, the notorious Peterloo Massacre in Manchester of 1819, and the expansion of Britain's influence and dominion in India.

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The Right Honourable Wilfrid Laurier was a member for the longest period of time - 44 years and 11 months from January 22, 1874 to February 17, 1919


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Q: Which British Prime Minister held the longest term?
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The United Kingdom does not have a President. The Prime Minister is a party leader in the British Parliament, and has the executive powers of a President - but not the status, as this is held by the Queen.

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The Prime Minister acts pretty much, like the President in the States does. However, in Canada, the Prime Minister is held accountable by the Governor General, who is the British Queen's representative in Canada. The Governor General can dissolve parliament, if necessary, and declare elections as needed.

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Australia has had 32 prime ministers as of 2013. 31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister. Julia Gillard is the 32nd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.

Which prime minister was in office the shortest time?

Australia's shortest serving Prime Minister was Francis Forde.As Deputy Prime Minister, Francis Forde took over as Prime Minister when John Curtin died suddenly whilst still in office. When the election was held a week later, Ben Chifley won over Forde, thus becoming Australia's new Prime Minister.

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How many Prime Ministers have there been in Australia?

Australia has had 33 Prime Ministers since Federation, as of 2013. 31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister. Kevin Rudd is the 33rd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.

Which two men held the position of prime minister of Australia on three separate occasions?

Alfred Deakin and Andrew Fisher each held the office of Prime Minister of Australia on three different occasions.Deakin was Prime Minister in 1903-04, 1905-08 and 1909-10.Fisher was Prime Minister is 1908-09, 1910-13 and 1914-15.

How often can the British Prime Minister be reelected?

There is no maximum number- unlike the US President, a British Prime Minister can serve any number of consecutive terms for as long as they enjoy the confidence and support of the electorate and their own Party.