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Q: Where were opponents of Stalin's regime sent?
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Where were people sent who opposed the Nazi regime?

Concentration Camps.

When was Stalins Brigade created?

Stalins Brigade was created in 1936.

What were labor camps called that suspected traitors of communist regime were sent to?

Gulags .

Were Germans sent to concentration camps and why?

Political opponents and dissidents were sent to concentration camps. Also, homsexuals and 'anti-social elements'.

Why was Hitler feared?

He sent his opponents and people he disliked to concentration camps, had them beaten, tortured, killed ...

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translucent bakugan, when sent into battle, can use their own attribute, or copy the opponents attribute.

What were some of the groups that died in the death camps?

Jews, homosexuals, political opponents, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, and basically anybody who the Nazis did not like or who opposed their regime.

Who were Stalins parents?

My prostitutes

What was the fate of a co9mmunist under the nazi regime?

If they were caught, they were usually arrested and sent to concentration camps, where they usually died.

What group of people was the concentration camp Dachau originally built for?

The camp was intended mainly for political opponents of the Nazi regime, especially Communists, Social Democrats and trade union leaders.

Where were the US troops sent to Russia in 1918?

They were sent in a misguided attempt to prop up the Czarist regime, which was allied with the US against Germany in WW I and was fighting a civil war with the Bolsheviks.

What was the Geheima statz polizei?

Geheime Staatspolizei (GeStapo) = secret police organisation of the Nazis, mainly involved to prosecute opponents of Hitler's regime (politicians, jews, sinti and roma and many others).