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Nelson Mandella fought the inequalites of Apartheid in South Africa

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Q: Where nelson Mandela fought for black people rights?
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What were Nelson Mandela's qualities?

he was a strong man who fought for the rights of african people. He was nice :)

Nelson Mandela attributes?

Fought for his Rights, Risk Taker and many more.

What does Nelson Mandela stand for?

Nelson Mandela stood for values such as peace, justice, and civil rights. He believed in equality for everyone, and fought hard to make sure that he was able to receive the same treatment that the white people did.

Who is the south African black leader fought for the equal rights of his people and was jointly awarded the Noble Prize in 1993?

Nelson Mandela

What was Nelson Mandela campaigning for?

Nelson Mandela campaigned about black rights.

Why does Nelson Mandela Inspire you?

he inspires me cause he fought for the black peoples rights and he is the president of south america

How many songs did Nelson Mandela have?

Nelson Mandela did not have any songs as he was not a singer. Nelson Mandela was a human rights activist.

Did Nelson Mandela commit a crime against a South African leader?

Nelson Mandela fought for equal rights for all the people of South Africa regardless of race. This made him become an enemy to the leaders of that time and that led to his arrest and detention in 1962.

What same job did Mandela and gandhi have?

Both Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were human rights activists for their countries. Mahatma Gandhi protested for India's independence from Britain and Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid in South Africa.

What did nelson Mandela Do that made him so famous?

Served a prison sentence for 27 years and was elected as President of South Africa by the people.

Why did Nelson Mandela go to prsion?

because he spoke the rights of the black people

What did Nelson Mandela stand for?

for his rights