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the electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons

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Q: Where do the electors meet?
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Where do electors meet when they participate in the electoral college?

The Electors meet in the capitols of their respective states.

How many days after the election do the electors meet?

The electors meet to cast their votes on the sixth Monday after Election Day, which is the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December or the Monday that falls after the 12th of Dec. and before the 20th of Dec. The electors do not all meet in the same place; each state's electors meet together within their own state.

When do electors meet?

They don't all meet at the same place. The electors of each state gather within their own state to cast their votes on the Monday that falls after Dec. 12 and before Dec. 20.

Where do electors meet?

In their respective state capitals in the month of December, day varies.

Who counts the Electoral College votes are?

The Electoral College does not meet as one body, but rather the electors for each state meet in the chamber designated for that purpose in each state. In most states, the electors meet in that state's legislature building. The electors of each state follow their own rules of procedure, whereby an appointed secretary usually counts the votes cast orally. However, technically there are 51 different procedures (50 states + District of Columbia).

When are the electoral votes counted for the 2008 election?

Electors will meet in each state on Dec. 15 to record their votes.

Where do members of electoral college meet to vote for president?

The electors meet in the capitals of their respective states to cast their ballots. Their sealed ballots are then sent to the President of the US Senate.

When does the Electoral college actually convene?

The Electoral College does not convene as one body but instead the electors meet in the state capitols of their respective states; most of these meetings of electors will happen in most of the states on December 15.

Where did the election of Abraham Lincoln happen?

The electors from each state meet together within their own state to cast their votes.

Which amendment states that the electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice President?

Amendment 12

Why do electors cast votes in December?

The entire Electoral College does not meet together in one place. Electors meet in their respective state capitals (electors for the District of Columbia meet within the District) on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December, at which time they cast their electoral votes on separate ballots for president and vice-president. Each state then forwards the election results to the President of the U.S. Senate, the Archivist of the United States, the state's Secretary of State, and the chief judge of the United States district court where those electors met. A joint session of Congress takes place on January 6 in the calendar year immediately following the meetings of the presidential electors. The electoral votes are officially tabulated at the joint session of Congress and the winner of the election is officially declared.

What is the collective noun for electors?

electors does not have a collective noun