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The majority of them get married in Westminster Abby as did Prince William and Kate Middleton did on 29 April 2011

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Q: Where do all English monarchy get married?
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What happens if you oppose the English Monarchy?

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They were not, We, The English still have a monarchy, while the French have their republic.

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the monarchy's power was limited to what it could and couldn't do. The colonists could then decide who the monarchy was by electing them.

How did the English Bill of Right affect the power of the monarchy?

the monarchy's power was limited to what it could and couldn't do. The colonists could then decide who the monarchy was by electing them.

How the English Civil War affected the monarchy?

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How did the English Bill of rights affect the powers of the monarchy?

the monarchy's power was limited to what it could and couldn't do. The colonists could then decide who the monarchy was by electing them.

How has the English monarchy changed over the centuries?

The English monarchy has changed drastically over the centuries. In previous centuries, the king or queen ruled absolutely and had authority over the life and death of all their citizens. Currently, the English monarch is simply a figurehead. The real business of running the country happens in parliament.