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Q: Where did Parliament sit in the times of Henry viii?
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Why did Henry viii sit on a fence to protest?

because he wanted to prove that he was on both sides not just the one (pro-distant and catholic).

Do members of the Scottish parliament sit in Westminster?

No, they sit in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. However, Scottish constituencies can, and do, elect members to sit in the UK Parliament in London.

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Was Lord Henry Percy married to anne Boleyn?

Henry Percy was not married to Anne Boleyn, but rather, supposedly, betrothed to her, which, at the time, was as good as a marriage contract. However, when Henry VIII 'took a fancy' to her, pressure was applied on Henry Percy to retract his intentions and he was married off to an eligible lady of court. Percy was later to sit in the jury at Anne Boleyn's trial (when she was accused of adultery against Henry VIII) who collectively sent her to the block!

Why is Henry VIII called Henry VIII?

Because he was the 6th great - grandson to Henry I , the 8th prince and monarch of England and Scotland in line to sit on the throne , and the son of Henry VII . (The crown of Scotland did not join with the crown of England until James I when England became Great Britain.)

Do you have to be Scottish to sit in the Scottish parliament?


Where do the members of Parliament sit when elections take place?

Parliament is closed during elections so they can sit anywhere they like, as long as it isn't in Ottawa.

Where does the prime minister sit in the parliament house?

in her office

What can you do at the houses of parliament?

If you are not a member you can sit and listen from the gallery.

Which city did the first parliament sit?

us nun

In what year did the first Austrlian Parliament sit?

The Parliament of Australia, officially known as The Parliament of the Commonwealth, was founded in 1901. The first parliament met in Melbourne, Victoria.

What do you mean by parliament?

The Parliament is the British equivalent of the American Senate. The people elect their Members of Parliament for their particular area who sit in the Parliament. They then vote proposals into law.