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The office of the Historian of the US State Department houses the correspondence between Kennedy and Khrushchev. These important historical documents highlight the informal relationship during the Cold War..

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Q: Where are the letters between Kennedy and Khrushchev?
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Why did Kennedy and Khrushchev communicate through letters and not via other forms of communication?

Kennedy's and Khrushchev's phones could have been tapped . Others could have been listening, like other countries.

How did the meeting in Vienna affect the relations between Kennedy and khruschev?

howm did the meeting in vienna affect relation between kennedy and khrushchev?

Why did Kennedy and khrushchev communicate through letters and not via other forms of communication ie the teephone?

Because they didn't have each others numbers! No just kidding, actually their was no line connected between them and letters allowed them to plan what they were going to say to each other. Telegrams were also used. Communication was actually described as a difficult process and at one point in the CMC Kennedy pretended not to receive one of Khrushchev letters. After that they established a direct line so that phones were available.

In which city did the 1961 summit meeting between Kennedy Khrushchev take place?

Schonbrunn, Vienna

What did khrushchev and Kennedy install to prevent miscommunication?

The "Hot Line" for direct communication between both leaders.

What are the release dates for Men in Crisis - 1964 Kennedy vs Khrushchev?

Men in Crisis - 1964 Kennedy vs Khrushchev was released on: USA: 12 May 1965

How did Khrushchev out smart JFK during the Cuban missile crisis?

He didn't. Kennedy forced Khrushchev to back down on his plan.

What leaders were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy, Castro and Khrushchev.

What nation was Nikita Khrushchev with?

He was the premier of the USSR during the Kennedy presidency.

Who were the three players in the Cuban missile crisis?

Kennedy, Castro and Khrushchev.

What led Kennedy to blame khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

Kennedy blamed Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace due to the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba, as part of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Kennedy saw this as a direct provocation and a violation of American security. He believed Khrushchev's actions escalated tensions between the two superpowers and had the potential to trigger a global nuclear conflict.

What resulted from a 1961 conference in Vienna between president john f Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev?

The construction of the Berlin Wall, creating two Germany's