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They had whipping boys to be punished when they did something bad, so the prince might feel bad and stop making trouble. they did not want to hit the prince so they hit a whipping boy instead.

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Q: When Henry v111 was a child he had a wipping boy what was he for?
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What s a whipping boy for?

if his kids were bad than instead of wipping then they would wip the wipping boy :D

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When Henry was a child he had a whipping boy what for?

He was a trouble maker it would make sense to say. Since its not allowed for a Prince to be hit they had a whipping boy for him.

Why did King Henry VIII have a whipping boy?

Henry VIII had a whipping boy so he wasn't punnished for doing wrong, insted his whipping boy was whipped.

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A child can be either a boy or a girl.

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Henry Mortensen has: Played Homeless Child in "Floundering" in 1994. Played Darin Hayes in "Blue Tiger" in 1994. Played Henry Ince in "Crimson Tide" in 1995. Played Reluctant Rohan Child Warrior in "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" in 2002. Played Otter in "Rise and Fall of Tuck Johnson" in 2009. Played Box Boy Ted in "Box Boy Ted" in 2010.

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Which child of Henry the vIIIs became monach?

All three of Henry VIII's legitimate children, Mary, Elizabeth, and Edward, ruled England. Edward was first because he was a boy, then Mary, then Elizabeth. Henry hated girls and disrespected them and said that the boy should always be first for everythinkand no one could argue with the king cus chop chop choppy.

When Henry VII was a child he had a whipping boy what for?

Since he himself could not be the object of corporal punishment because he was a prince, his whipping boy was a close friend who was punished whenever Prince Henry misbehaved. In theory, if he empathized with his whipping boy, he would not want to do anything that would cause him to have pain. Whipping Boys were usually family members such as distant cousins, or close friends.