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This is the kind of stuff that fairytales are made of.

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Q: What was said by Archbishop of Canterbury during wedding ceremony of Charles and Diana?
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Related questions

Who officiated the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton?

The Archbishop of Canterbury

Was there a pope at William and kate's wedding?

No. They had the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Dean of Westminster, plus a few nuns representing the religious aspect of the wedding.

Who is marrying William and Kate?

The answer is Dr. Rowan William, Archbishop of Canterbury, will be officiating at the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.

Who took the service at Prince Willam's wedding?

The wedding vows were conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury but the Dean of Westminster also officiated along with the Bishop of London who gave the sermon.

What was the name of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wedding celebrant?

Their wedding service was conducted by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of the Church of England.

What is sentence for ceremony?

"Will you come to my wedding ceremony tomorrow night?" "There is a ceremony in the Church tonight." "What are you wearing for her wedding ceremony?" "Do not forget to be present for her graduation ceremony."

Who performed Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's wedding ceremony?

His band after the wedding ceremony.

Is a wedding a ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

What is a Catholic wedding ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

What happens during a Venda wedding ceremony?

During a Venda wedding ceremony those in the wedding wear traditional Venda clothing. Venda dances are also performed during the ceremony.

When did Charles marry Camila?

Charles and Camilla announced their engagement in February 2005. The wedding, a civil ceremony, was to take place on 8 April 2005, but the ceremony was moved to 9 April 2005 so that Prince Charles couldattend the funeral of John Paul II.

Will Prince William getting married at westminister abby?

The wedding of Charles and Camilla took place in a civil ceremony at Windsor Guildhall.