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As Prime-Minister

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Q: What was Edmund Bartons job?
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What are Edmund bartons hobbies?

fishing and cricket

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What are the names of Edmund Bartons children?

ya mum

When was he a prime minister Edmund bartons?

Between 1901 to 1903.

What was Edmund bartons wife's name?

Jane Mason Ross

What is Edmund Bartons Legacy?

come on! i really need 2 no!

Who where Sir Edmund Bartons parents?

Willaim Barton and Mary Louise

What were Edmund bartons main contrubutions?

the federation of move was his main contribution

What is sir Edmund bartons youngest brothers name?

Santiago Jefarylee-king Barton

What was the name of Edmund bartons wife?

sir Edmund Barton's wife's name is Jane (Jeanie) Mason Ross.

What was sir Edmund bartons personality?

Sir Edmund Barton was described as a strong leader. He had a friendly, warm personality that the people of Australia loved and it didn't take long for him to win their hearts.

Who was in power before Edmund Barton?

Edmund Barton was the first Prime Minister of the country of Australia, as such there really wasn't anyone before him. Technically, from Jan 1st 1901 until when Barton was sworn in, the Governor General did exercise *some* powers that became part of Bartons job, but most people dont consider that.