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The latest numbers I can find are from The Tax Foundation:

33 states and the District of Columbia get back more Federal tax dollars than they pay in. Ironically, considering the Republican Party champions low taxes and cutting Federal taxes, 21 of the 33 states who get back more than the taxpayers in those states pay in are also states who voted for John McCain in 2008. In effect, the wealthier Blue states are subsidizing poorer, more rural Red states...much as urban counties usually subsidize rural counties on the state tax level albeit the red-leaning suburbs of urban areas (map showing red and blue counties at bottom) subsidize the dark blue super-urban inner cities of metropolitan areas. The blue city propers typically are net receivers of federal funds.

States with large military or Federal labs (typically in the South and West) appear to get more in Federal dollars. Large urban areas receive substantially more federal funds in the form of social welfare spending, as do minority-heavy rural areas particularly in the South. Large, urban states pay more in than they get back although it's unclear whether the larger outlow derives from red- or blue-minded taxpayers in those urban blue states (eg Wall Street in NY). http:/www.jeffersoncountygop.orgRedStateMap.gif

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Q: What states receive more federal tax dollars than they pay in?
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Which states receive more federal dollars than they pay in taxes?

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