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Sputnik had induced fear at every level that the US was far behind in missile technology, even to the point of paranoia. The botched Bay of Pigs invasion, created by the Eisenhower Administration but conducted under Kennedy, had convinced him that the new US President lacked the willpower to produce a viable resistance. Placing missiles in Cuba would sharply reduce the US known advantage in Aviation Superiority and Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles. It was a potential win-win situation. Internally, his political position in the Party Apparatus would be strengthed. Khruschev blinked first.

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America put nukes in Turkey and Israel. We also tried to invade Soviet-alligned Cuba. Khrushchev was well within his rights.

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I have no idea. Sorry.

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Q: What reasons did khrushchev have for putting nuclear missiles in cuba?
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Why did the US government want to remove soviet missiles in cuba?

For the same reason the USSR government wanted the US missiles in Turkey removed. They were seen as a threat and a provocation. Both the US and USSR got the missiles removed that they wanted removed (but the US wanted to pretend removing the missiles in Turkey had no connection to removing the missiles in Cuba for political reasons, and Khrushchev allowed this).

Why did kruschev put missile in Cuba?

Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to put nuclear weapons in Cuba, because the US had placed Nuclear weapons in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Japan, and A few pacific islands. He wanted to equalize the strategic advantage

What are some of the reasons for the Soviet placement of missiles in Cuba?

The Soviets already knew that the US had nuclear missiles in Turkey, placing nuclear missiles in Cuba would simply achieve nuclear parity. Also following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion the leader of Cuba Fidel Castro wanted assurance from the Soviets of their security against future invasion, the Soviets believed that nuclear missiles would provide this security at the least cost.

Why would the Russians deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad?

Russia sees the US placement of nuclear missiles in Poland and other Eastern European countries as a direct threat to its safety and the maintenance of its sphere of influence. As a result, it has placed nuclear missiles in Kaliningrad in order to offset the US weapons-presence in Eastern Europe with the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Why is the Russian army not launching they're missiles at the usa yet?

Well, a number of reasons, but first and foremost is that we have missiles too, you know? And if missiles get launched at us, our missiles get launched back. During the Cold War, the idea behind building arsenals of such missiles was actually notto use them - it's called nuclear deterrence, the idea being that the Soviet Union and United States would refrain from launching nuclear warheads at each other, for the simple reason that they could expect the same in return, in a policy often referred to as the Mutually Assured Destruction policy.

What did USSR have to do with the Cuban missile crisis?

Russia and the United States were "Cold War" enemies. Soviet Russia supplied nuclear missiles to Cuba. Cuba is only 90 miles from the coast of the United States. Russia's reasons for supplying Cuba with nuclear capability... (You Decide)

How serious was the Cuban missile crisis?

yes and no. Russia placed the missiles in Cuba for two reasons: Russia feared an American invasion of Cuba, and America had missiles in turkey that were aimed at Russia. Some people speculate that the missiles were placed in cuba so the Russians would have something to offer for the removal of the missiles in Turkey. Having said that, russia had no intention of starting a war, and in fact was more afraid of us than we were of them. even then, we were perceived as trigger happy cowboys, and keep in mind that we were then, and remain today, the only country to ever actually use nuclear/atomic weaponry against another country. needless to say, they were petrified that we'd actually use our nukes first, and that is why, in the end, they agreed to remove the missiles. an interesting side note: America agreed to remove the missiles they had in turkey, but they still had missiles within striking range of russia placed in Italy.

Which country has the most nuclear weapons?

The United States currently owns 9,600 nuclear weapons, while Russia currently owns 16,800. But Russia actually always had more nuclear weapons than the United States. Russia was lacking in nuclear warheads from beginning of time to 1975. For various reasons, the USSR (and now Russia) have pretty much always had more ICBM weapons than the US, while the US maintained a larger stockpile of gravity bombs, SLBMs, and cruise missiles. Currently, as nuclear-tipped cruise missiles were forbidden under the START I treaty, only bombs, ICBMs, and SLBMs are in existence, with the number of 'usable' weapons varying over time.

Khrushchev fell from power in 1964 for all what reasons except for his?

criticism of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party.

Why were missiles sent to Cuba?

To avoid war between the Soviet Union & the United States. The Soviet Union also realized the mistake of putting its nuclear weapons in Cuba where Castro could gain control of them. Castro's communist Cuba would have had the potential to start a world-wide nuclear war, even if the Soviet Union didn't want it. Also the Soviet Union was building submarines that could launch nuclear weapons against the United States, so the weapons in Cuba would not be as important as before.

What was the reason for the Cuban crisis?

There were many reasons but the primary one was Russian ships transporting missiles to Cuba.

Why was it so concerning that North Korea wanted to fire missiles?

The North Korean missile crisis was concerning for several reasons. First, there was the possibility of North Korea starting a nuclear war with the USA. Second, the problem with North Korea is that its leader is generally not in the best of mental stability.