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Q: What president signed the SALT 2 treaty?
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When was the SALT Treaty signed?

I think its false; the SALT 1 treatise was signed on 26 May 1972.

When did the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo happen?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848.

What treaty was signed that ended world war 2?

the treaty was called "the treaty of versialles" or "the peace treaty".

Does dominian republic have an extradition treaty with the US?

Yes, the two have signed an extradition treaty. The treaty was signed at Santo Domingo June 19, 1909. It was ratified by the President of the United States with an amendment on April 29, 1910. It was ratified by the Dominican Republic on July 11, 1910 and ratifications were exchanged at Santo Domingo August 2, 1910. The treaty was in effect from August 2, 1910.

What was the name of the treaty treaty signed ending World War 2?

There were no treaties signed to end WW2. Germany and Japan signed instruments of unconditional SURRENDER.

When was the treaty signed in World War 2?

Different countries signed the treaty, the signing started in 1941 and ended in 1954, I hope this answers your question.

Where was the treaty to end world war 2 was signed?


Which treaty benefited American Indian the most?

The Treaty of Fort Pitt (Delaware Treaty), the first treaty signed by the newly formed United States and all Native Americans (it was a blanket treaty, open ended to any other nations that signed treaties with the USA). Its unfortionate that the USA violated the treaty 2 weeks after it was signed; by shooting the representatives called for by the treaty - and again 2 years later by shooting and killing those who signed it (the USA claims they died of small pox).

What prompted U.S President Jimmy Carter to withdraw the Salt 2 Treaty from Senate approval in 1979?

The invasion of Afghanistan by Soviet troops-------> NovaNet

When did Americans and Mexicans sign a peace treaty?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on 2 February 1848.

What was the importance of the SALT I Treaty of 1972?

SALT 1 was a treatise between United States and Soviet Union with the scope to limit nuclear armaments and missiles, signed in 1972. After this United States refused to sign SALT 2.

What treaties were signed in World War 2?

There was no official treaty signed, but Japan surrendered, and Germany collapsed.