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Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII's second wife.

1. Katherine of Aragon

2. Anne Boleyn

3. Jane Seymour

4. Anne of Cleves

5. Katherine Howard

6. Katherine Parr

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She was wife number four.

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Q: What number wife was Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII?
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Was Anne Boleyn Henry VIII's third wife?

Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII's second wife.

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When did anne Boleyn marry to Henry viii?

Henry VIII of England and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, were married on 28th May 1533.

When did Anne Boleyn get marred?

Anne Boleyn married Henry VIII in January 1533.

What does treason have to do with Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn?

Anne Boleyn was married to Henry VIII, but she committed adultery against him with George Boleyn. This is treason as you are not keeping all your promises that you made to the king.

Who had Elizabeth the first?

Elizabeth the I was the daughter of King Henry the VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was the second legitamte daughter of Henry VIII and the first child of Anne Boleyn

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Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn (who was beheaded by Henry VIII).

HOW Was anne Boleyn excuted?

Anne Boleyn was beheaded by a French swordsman imported by Henry VIII

What where the names of Anne Boleyn's kids?

With Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn had one child, who was Elizabeth I

What Anne Boleyn refused to be?

Henry VIII's mistress.

Who was Anne Boleyn's sister who had affair with King Henry VIII?

Mary Boleyn

Which wife did Henry VIII behead first?

Two of them: Anne Boleyn and Katharine Howard.