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A restriction on the kinds of jobs a high schooler is allowed to have.

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Q: What leader is most similar to the British leader queen Victoria during the industrial revolution?
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What policie is most similar to the type promoted by the British leader queen Victoria during the industrial revolution?

A restriction on the kinds of jobs a high schooler is allowed to have.

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Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

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How were industrial Revolution and the commercial revolution similar?

Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

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Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

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Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution.

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Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution.

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Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution.

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Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution.

Why is everything named after Queen Victoria?

Many places In England are named after Queen Victoria because she was the reigning Monarch during the Industrial revolution. During her reign things like the Great Exhibition (The Crystal Palace), the railways etc. were built. Also, she ruled the British Empire and was self-proclaimed Indian Empress. It's similar to schools named after Presidents etc. in America.

Which of these leaders is most similar to the British leader queen Victoria during the industrial revolution?

A restriction on the kinds of jobs a high schooler is allowed to have.

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The technology revolution. The computer and the Internet has changed the ways we get information and communicate.