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This question could be referring to the British Privy Council, or the Jamaican Privy Council.

Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy CouncilIn Jamaica, the Court of Appeal is the highest appellate court; however, decisions of the court may be appealed to the Queen-in-Council (as Her Majesty the Queen of Jamaica is the head of State). For such appeals, the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council hears the case, and recommends to the Queen the actions or remedies to be taken, as per s. 110 of the Jamaican (Constitution) Order-in-Council, 1962.Privy Council of JamaicaThe Privy Council of Jamaica is comprised of six members (appointed by the Governor-General of Jamaica, on the advice of the prime minister). As per s. 90(2) of the Jamaican (Constitution) Order-in-Council, 1962, the Governor-General may act on the advice of the Privy Council to pardon any person of an offence or to reduce any punishment. The Governor-General must refer any death sentence to the Privy Council, to review for possible reduction.
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Q: What is the role of the Privy Council in the Jamaican legal system?
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