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The Conservative Party of Canada
Stephen Harper is part of the Conservative party and has been from 2003 to present

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CPC - Conservative Party of Canada

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The Conservative Party of Canada.

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Q: What is the political party of prime minister Stephen Harper?
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What was political party of prime minister Staphen Harper?

the party of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is Conservative.

Which Canadian political party nominated the Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, leads the Conservative Party. He was nominated as leader of the Conservative Party in 2002.

What party does steven Harper belong to?

Prime minister stephen harper belongs to the conservative party.

Who is the prime minister and what political party does he represent?

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary-Southwest), the Prime Minister, is the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

What political party does Harper represent?

Stephen Harper is the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Who is Stephen Harper's political party?

the progressive conservative party

What is Stephen Harper's political party?

Conservative Party of Canada

Who is the leader of the party of power?

Stephen Harper our Prime Minister.

Who is Stephan Harper?

Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada, and the leader of the Conservative party.

What political party is Stephen Harper a part of?

Mr Harper is the leader of the Conservative party of Canada.

What political party does Stephen Harper lead?


Who is the governing party of Canada today?

The Conservative Party - Prime Minister is Stephen Harper.