Maps have been around even before christpher colombus. The real word for mapmaker is cartographer.
Early mapmakers:
- palo toscanellia who was an Italian map maker who made christper Columbus.
-martin behaingerman and made one of the first globes.
-martin wassemuller on the botom of one of his maps staed that americo Vespucci sayed Columbus didn't find china like he thought but found a new contonent and name it after the man who said this.
Two types of maps:
-physical- surface features like mountains,rivers,ect.
Map projections:
importance of thematic maps to society
Historical importance is how someone/something effected history or how it is important to history.
Donald Gordon Perry has written: 'Sketch-maps in modern history, 1789-1965' 'Sketch-maps in modern history, 1789-1970' -- subject(s): Geography, Historical geography, Maps, Modern History, Textbooks 'Sketch-maps in modern history, 1789-1960' -- subject(s): Historical geography, Maps
Colin McEvedy has written: 'The New Penguin Atlas of Ancient History' -- subject- s -: Maps, Ancient Geography, Ancient History 'The Penguin atlas of modern history - to 1815 -' -- subject- s -: Maps, Modern History, Historical geography 'World History Factfinder' 'The Penguin Atlas of African History' -- subject- s -: Maps, Historical geography 'The Penguin atlas of ancient history' -- subject- s -: Maps, Ancient Geography, Ancient History 'The Penguin Atlas of Modern History' -- subject- s -: Maps, Modern History, Historical geography 'The new Penguin atlas of medieval history' -- subject- s -: Maps, History, Historical geography, Medieval Geography 'The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History - Hist Atlas -' 'Rise of the World's Cities' 'The Penguin atlas of medieval history' -- subject- s -: Medieval Geography, Maps, Atlases, Historical Atlases 'The Penguin atlas of medieval history' -- subject- s -: Medieval Geography, Maps
the both share the importance
What is the importance of elongation of a material?
history of mapeh
what is the importance of a ordnance survey map to uniformed public services?
Yes in Mesopotamia it was their brain knowledge and know it is maps. You suck
The importance is when somebody wants to learn about something they can learn.