In peace time Admiral. But there is a higher rank of Admiral of The Fleet used in war time.
The highest rank someone can reach in the Royal Australian Navy is Admiral of the fleet. The Royal Australian Navy was created in 1911.
No, He was an Admiral of the Fleet (the highest rank possible) in the Royal Navy.
I am pretty sure that Captain is the highest rank available to an LDO under present Navy regulations.
Admiral of the fleet
Prince William holds the rank of Captain in the Blues and Royals, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force.
No. Chief Petty Officer is a rank used in the US Navy and the Coast Guard. It is also used in the Royal Navy (United Kingdom),the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, New Zealand Navy, Indian Navy and probably other navies of Commonwealth and former commonwealth nations.
The highest rank currently held in the Indian Navy is "Admiral" There is a higher rank "Admiral of the Fleet", hower this is an honorary rank issued only in wartime, and has never been given to anyone so far.
The highest rank in the US Navy is O-10 Admiral (4 stars). EXCEPT during wartime, when the rank of Fleet Admiral (5 stars) is attainable. A Captain in the US Navy is an O-6. Commodore is not used by the US Navy,
The Royal Air Force rank of Air Marshal is equivalent to Vice-Admiral (Royal Navy) and Lieutenant-General (British Army and Royal Marines).
Admiral of the Navy. However, there is no one currently serving at that rank in today's armed forces. Admiral of the Navy was a wartime rank last used in WWII. The current 'Highest Ranking Officer' in the Navy is the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) with the rank of Admiral.
the answer is the Admiral of the fleet