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Q: What is it called when you illegally trade with other nations?
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What is it called when nations can legally agree that they will limit or prevent trade between two nations?

The legal ban on trade is referred to as a trade restriction or sanction (which also has other meanings).

How does the United Kingdom trade?

the trade by importing and by exporting goods with other nations. also with being in the EU they can trade with free boarders with other EU nations.

Who is called the way in which nations treat each other regarding imports and exports?

North Atlantic free trade agreement

Policy of trading with other countries is called?

The policy used in trading with other countries is called the commercial policy. It is a set of rules and regulations used in trade between nations.

What is the banning of trade with foreign nations called?

Embrgo Act

What has limited the trade of the Andean countries with each other and with other nations?

The sizes of the mountains make trade difficult.

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What nations did Russia usually trade with?

they like to be self-sufficent, but they trade with other commumist countries.

What is politicol system?

The same as the rest of the United State we trade with other nations and they trade with us.

What term did Wallerstein use to describe nations that are econmically depent on other nation trade?

semiperiphery nations