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A concordat is an agreement between the pope and a ruler of a country.

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Concordat - "An agreement or treaty, esp. one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest."

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Q: What is an agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country called?
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What is the agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country called?

Concordat - "An agreement or treaty, esp. one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest."

What is an agreement between the pope and the ruler of country called?

Concordat - "An agreement or treaty, esp. one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest."

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A country whose ruler has unlimited power is called an autocracy.

What is a ruler called of a country?

The ruler of a country is typically referred to as the head of state or the monarch in a monarchy.

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John Locke

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Another name for a cruel ruler would be a tyrant

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They are called Traitors.

What is an Islamic ruler called?

Islam is a religion, not a country. So if a country chose Islam as a religion, the ruler's title would depend on the country's politics. It could be president, king, etc. In the past they used the equivalent of these titles in Arabic like Khalifa or Sultan which they both translates to ruler.

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A country.

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someone plz hurry and tell the answer

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An absolute ruler is a ruler that has unlimited power over their country.

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a ruler is called "Fürst"