An external tax is placed on an item coming into the colony. It is a custom duty levied against a certain product. Example would be a duty on a piece of machinery made in Great Britain. The duty is paid by the shipper but passed on to the consumer by raising the price of the machinery. An internal tax is a direct tax. It is a tax added on to the price of something purchased by the consumer. The Stamp Tax is an example. When you purchased a newspaper, you also had to hand over a bit more money to pay the stamp that was placed on the paper as the tax. The consumer knows he/she is paying a direct tax.
internal external not internal external not
its internal
Is a salmon internal or external?
What is internal and external sources?
External. Internal devices would be something like a CD Drive, while an external device is a keyboard or mouse for example.
Internal and external? 4real
internal is in and external is out fertilisation
internal is in and external is out
internal = inside external=outside
heart racing internal or external