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Q: What if Prince Charles does not want to become king?
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Will prince Charles ever be king?

Prince Charles was born as heir to the throne, and like his ancestor King Edward VII will be king even if it's for a few years. Charles is waiting to fulfill his destiny and will certainly not pass-over to his son.Charles will be King when his mother passes away or steps adside for Charles

Is Mountbatten Windsor together or are these two different words?

Windsor was adopted by the British royal family as their name to replace Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1916. Prince Albert, Queen Victorias' husband had this name. This was changed as a result of anti German feeling in Britain because of the war. Mountbatten is the Angliced name of Battenberg. Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth II has this name. If & when Prince Charles accedes the throne he will become King George VII and the first monarch of the new royal House of Mountbatten-Windsor. Apparrently there are reasons that Prince Charles doesn't want to become King Charles III.........

Why hasn't Prince Charles become the king?

His Royal Highness Prince Charles will become king on the death or abdication of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. It is thought extremely unlikely that she will abdicate, that is to give up being Queen voluntarily. Charles' full names are "Charles Phillip Arthur George" and, while he could choose any of these names - or any name at all -he will probably become King Charles III. The story that he would become King George VII appeared in the British newspapers in December 2005 and was denied a few days later by official sources who said that no decision has yet been made about what his title will be. If Charles were to die before his mother, the next person in line to the throne is his eldest son, Prince William.

Will Prince Charles concede to his son?

Only time will tell. Prince Charles appears so foolish and weak that the people do not want him to be their King, they would much rather he pass the throne to his son, William, Duke of Cambridge. To do such a thing as yield to the desire of the people is extremely dangerous for the monarchy.

Did Princess Diana want to be queen of England?

If Charles and she had not divorced, Diana would have become a consort to the King, if Charles had ascended to the throne. This would have been similar to the role the Queen Mother played to King George VI. Because of the divorce, she would not have become queen, and was not even allowed the title of Royal Highness at the time of her death.

When Prince William was a kid what did he want to become?

He probably wanted to be a Prince and he is, i think he would want to be a Prince because he seems so happy doing his job.

Why did Henry vii think he should become king?

Someone would want to become king of England because of the wealth, fame and fortune of becoming a king. If u ask yourself that question of why would you want to become king of England? it is obvious you would say because of the money

Why did Joan of Arc want to become a leader?

Joan of Arc did not want to become a leader. She only did it because the heavenly voices she was hearing told her that God insisted that she raise the siege of Orleans and conduct the dauphin, the French crown prince. to Rheims to be crowned king of France.

What will Prince William and Kate's new titles be after the wedding?

Shortly before their wedding, Queen Elizabeth released the titles William and Kate will be known by. Their first title will be Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, their second title is Earl and Countess of Strathearn, and their third title is Baron and Baroness Carrickfergus.Previous answer: That depends on whether the Queen and Prince Charles are still alive, and whether William is given a title on his wedding day (as is customary).If both still were alive, William and his wife would be known as Prince and Princess William of Wales, unless William were given a title, (say Duke of X), when they would be The Duke and Duchess of X.When the Queen dies, and if Prince Charles becomes King, without being passed over, William will automatically become Duke of Cornwall, and his wife HRH The Duchess of Cornwall (Princess Camilla will either be Queen, or will not assume this title in which case she will be The Duchess of Lancaster or some other courtesy title since the King or Queen is automatically the Duke of Lancaster -- even for a female monarch). It will be traditional (but not automatic) to make him Prince of Wales too. In this case, his wife would become HRH The Princess of Wales.If Prince Charles and the Queen had died, William would be King and his wife would automatically become HM The Queen (Camilla would be The Dowager Duchess of Cornwall, or just Princess Camilla if Charles dies before the Queen or is passed over for King in favor of William) or Queen Dowager if she, in fact, does become queen if Charles does ascent to King.)It also depends in what context you want to use the title (eg. if you are addressing them face to face, etc.) and also, they won't have their titles changed, just added on to. So William was born a Prince, (Prince of Wales) and whatever other titles he gets will just be one of the many titles he has. By the way, William was given a title on his wedding day, it was Duke of Cambridge.

Why King Charles want to rule by himself without parliament?

to not be criticised

Why did they execute King Charles I?

King Charles I was executed because he was a Catholic king and refused to call parliament into session. The English people did not want a Catholic state but a Protestant state and were angered by Charles' hike in taxes and his distancing of parliament.

What if Prince Charles does not want to be king is there a form of abdication?

Yes. Although your question says if he does not WANT to be King. Once he's King, he could abdicate. If he wants to back out before he becomes King, I imagine it would be called forfeiting.See abdication. Abdication has only happened voluntarily once in the British monarchy.See an example of forfeiture. Prince Michael of Kent forfeited his place in line to throne to marry his wife who is a Roman Catholic. However, this was hardly an issue for him as he was so far down the list he'd never have succeeded anyway.I think the chances of Charles doing either are absolutely none.