Stalin solved the problem with the Kulaks by invading the country and establishing a connection with the groups' leader, and from that point he was able to have a direct say in whatever activities the Kulaks did.
Snoring could be a sign of a health problem but not really a problem itself.
high blood pressure was the main problem that killed him
Economy needed to change.
Lenin (1917-1924), but poor health prevented him from doing much after mid 1922. He was succeeded by three men ruling jointly - Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev. By 1927 Stalin had sidelined the other two and from 1928 he was the dictator of the Soviet Union.
it is a health problem
Does morning run affect any health or heart problem
It is a problem no matter what your job
The decline/deterioration of FDR's health .
a change you can believe in. Two of Stalin's famous quotes are "Socialism in one country." This actually is a description of his version of one aspect of Marxian philosophy. The other slogan, actually a quote is "Where there's a problem, there's a man. No man. No problem." This is a rather cold blooded description on how to solve problems.